Saturday, May 1, 2010


When were were little we didn't have many places to go.
The stoners hung out at the playground.
Thirty year olds hung out at the arcade and the comic book store.

So we spent most of our time at the public toilets.
They were fairly typical aside from the urinals
which were scattered all down one wall.
They were all the same shape and size
but different heights, from floor to ceiling.

Head height was always full of vomit.

Ass height was always full of shit.

Ground level always had someone sleeping in it.

We had pissing competitions.
It was like darts
except we were testing strength stamina and aim.

One day I want into the toilets by myself
to practice.
Standing at the lowest urinal was the tallest man I'd ever seen.
His head almost reached the roof.

When he walked outside I followed him.

He walked to a car with big rims.

Before he got in he turned around and said
Want some candy?


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