Saturday, July 10, 2010

Cake In A Nice Way

If Miss Honey was principal
She wouldn’t be Miss Honey at all.
She would be Miss Trunchbull.
She would throw kids in the chokey.
She would hate children.

If Miss Trunchbull wasn’t principal
If she were just a normal teacher
She would be lovely.
She would smile.
She would only feed people cake in a nice way.

If Matilda were stupid
No one would like her.
They would say
“You think you’re so smart
but TV is just as good as books.”
And they would be right.


  1. God I love Matilda - especially when she is dancing in the lounge and all the cards and stuff are flying around her and she is dancing. Magic.

  2. Matilda rocks. I like the cake scene. Obviously.
